A well-deserved success and thank you to all our clients that shares our creative visions where we believe in our trademark "Art is Architecture". 2 NEW AWARDS for 2024 and year has hardly began!

Congratulations to Heini van Niekerk Architects for their outstanding achievement in the Tenth annual Architecture Awards! Your dedication to your creative visions and commitment to your trademarked motto “Art is Architecture ®” has truly paid off. Here's to continued success and reaching new heights!

Winning the titles for both:


Upwards and onwards!


Regards Heini van Niekerk
#ArchitectureExcellence #HeinivanNiekerkArchitects


Yzerfontein Beach House Design

On the edge of the picturesque coastal town of Yzerfontein in the Western Cape, a remarkable Beach House design by Heini van Niekerk Architects celebrates the seamless integration of architecture with its natural surroundings. Drawing inspiration from the belief that the interplay between exterior and interior design has a profound impact on human emotions, this architectural gem captivates with its unique design characteristics and breathtaking ocean views.

Perched on an elevated plateau, this Beach House offers uninterrupted vistas of the vast ocean, immersing residents in the tranquility of this relatively untouched piece of nature. The design philosophy is rooted in harmonizing with the environment while maximizing the connection to the mesmerizing coastal scenery.

True to its architectural vision, the Beach House showcases open-plan post and beam construction, allowing for a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor spaces. Extensive glazing creates a sense of transparency, inviting the abundance of natural light to illuminate the interior spaces. The incorporation of green elements further blurs the distinction between the built environment and the surrounding landscape.

The design highlights flat or minimally canted roofs, enhancing the connection to the sky and emphasizing the house's orientation towards captivating views or natural features. Every detail of this remarkable design has been carefully considered to create an immersive experience that soothes the soul and invigorates the spirit.

Discover a life of tranquility and connection with nature in this extraordinary Yzerfontein Beach House. Let the design embrace you, offering a sanctuary where you can make the best of your precious moments amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the West Coast.

Embrace this coastal oasis and let your journey unfold.

Resonant Object: The Ethereal Allure of Heini van Niekerk's Artful Architecture.

Renowned architect Heini van Niekerk has built a reputation for his unyielding passion and tireless pursuit of creativity. His boundless enthusiasm manifests in his groundbreaking exploration of the semiotics of objects within the architectural realm, where art and architecture converge.

Van Niekerk's latest creation takes the form of a sculpted, minimalist light fixture. Designed to exude a sense of tranquility, it stands as a captivating yet profoundly evocative object. Drawing inspiration from the interplay between form and meaning, this architectural marvel transcends mere functionality, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in its understated beauty.

With meticulous attention to detail, Van Niekerk delves deep into the essence of architecture, meticulously dissecting the boundaries that separate art and design. His work represents a fusion of artistic expression and functional purpose, offering a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of these realms.

In the presence of Van Niekerk's luminous creation, viewers are transported to a realm where the lines between art and architecture blur. It is an experience that transcends the ordinary, leaving an indelible impression upon all who encounter it.

Embrace the transformative power of Van Niekerk's visionary approach and allow yourself to be captivated by the ethereal allure of his latest creation. Immerse yourself in the world of artful architecture and surrender to the subtle enchantmentof this "resonant object."

The Emotional Impact of Architecture: How Buildings Influence Our Feelings

When we think of architecture, we might initially picture grand buildings, towering skyscrapers, and awe-inspiring structures. But if we look beyond the physical aspects of architecture and delve into its emotional and spiritual dimensions, we find that there is a deep-rooted connection between architecture and our emotional experiences. Architecture has the power to evoke emotions, inspire feelings, and create an atmosphere that touches the soul. This is the love between Fire and Water – the relationship between the built environment and human emotions.

The Relationship Between Architecture and Emotions

Emotions are an integral part of the human experience. We feel emotions every day, whether positive or negative. Architecture, too, has the ability to make us feel certain ways. Imagine walking through a busy city street with tall glass skyscrapers on either side – you might feel small, insignificant, and overwhelmed. Alternatively, imagine walking through a serene forest path with birds chirping and a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves – you might feel peaceful, calm, and rejuvenated. These emotions are not just products of our surroundings – they are influenced by the design of the spaces we inhabit.

Architecture has been shown to elicit specific emotional responses from people. For instance, research suggests that high ceilings can make us feel more open and unconstrained, while dim lighting can evoke feelings of melancholy or nostalgia. Similarly, bright colors can create a sense of energy and excitement, while cooler tones can inspire a feeling of calm and tranquility. By understanding these relationships, architects can design spaces that intentionally evoke certain emotions – creating an atmosphere that serves the intended purpose of the space.

The Importance of Context in Architecture

In order to design spaces that elicit the desired emotional response, architects must pay close attention to the context in which they are designing. Context encompasses a variety of factors, including the intended use of the space, the surrounding environment, and the cultural and historical significance of the area. For example, a church in a small town will have a different context than a church in a bustling city. Understanding the context of a given space is crucial to designing an environment that resonates with its intended occupants.

Context also plays a critical role in the longevity and sustainability of a structure. Buildings must be designed to withstand the tests of time, weather, and wear and tear. Architects must consider not just the present use of the structure, but also potential future uses – designing a space that is adaptable and flexible is key to ensuring its long-term viability.

The Emotional Impact of Colour

Colour is one of the most powerful tools in an architect's arsenal. It can be used to create a sense of harmony or dissonance, energy or tranquility. The colour palette chosen for a space can evoke specific emotions and set the tone for its use. For example, a hospital might use soft blues and greens to create a calming atmosphere for patients, while a nightclub might use bold reds and blacks to stimulate energy and excitement.

Colour can also be used to enhance the natural environment. An architect designing a building in a forested area might use earthy browns and greens to blend seamlessly with the surrounding trees and foliage. Alternatively, an architect designing a building in an urban area might use bright colors to contrast with the surrounding concrete and steel, creating a sense of vibrancy and life.

Textures and Patterns as Emotional Signifiers

Textures and patterns are another tool for architects to evoke emotions. The use of natural materials like wood, stone, and brick can create a sense of warmth and coziness, while sleek, modern materials like metal and glass can evoke a sense of coolness and sleekness. Patterns can also be used to create a sense of movement or stillness – a swirling spiral design might suggest dynamism and energy, while a grid-like pattern might suggest stability and order.

The Emotional Impact of Lighting

Lighting is another crucial element in the emotional impact of architecture. The use of natural light can create a sense of openness and connection to the outdoors, while artificial lighting can be used to create a variety of moods. Dimmer lighting might be used to create a sense of intimacy, while brighter lighting might be used to create a sense of energy and excitement.

The scale and volume of a space also play a role in the emotional experience of architecture. A grand, sweeping foyer might inspire awe and wonder, while a cozy, intimate room might evoke feelings of comfort and security. Understanding the interplay between these elements is key to creating a space that resonates emotionally with its occupants.

The Love Between Fire and Water

In the end, the relationship between architecture and emotions is all about the love between fire and water. Architecture is like water – fluid, adaptable, and constantly changing. It is shaped by the environment and context in which it exists. Emotions are like fire – dynamic, powerful, and constantly in motion. They are constantly reacting to the spaces we inhabit.

Yes, of course. By understanding these relationships, architects can design spaces that intentionally evoke certain emotions – whether it’s the warmth and coziness of a rustic cabin or the awe-inspiring grandeur of a cathedral. These emotions are not just incidental – they are an essential aspect of how we experience space.

The Emotional Impact of Buildings

Buildings can have a profound emotional impact on people. Consider, for example, the impact of a place like the Taj Mahal in India. This stunning mausoleum was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a tribute to his late wife Mumtaz Mahal. The sheer scale and beauty of the building are enough to inspire awe and wonder in any visitor. But beyond that, the Taj Mahal is also imbued with emotion and meaning – it is a testament to the enduring power of love, a striking reminder of the transience of life, and a symbol of cultural heritage.

Similarly, buildings like the 9/11 Memorial in New York City or the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Japan are deeply emotional spaces. These buildings were created to commemorate tragic events in human history, and their design reflects that sense of loss and mourning. They serve as reminders of our collective past and the need to work towards a peaceful future.

Architecture is not just a matter of bricks, mortar, and steel – it is also a matter of emotions, experiences, and connections. When we consider the emotional impact of buildings, we realize that architecture has the power to shape our lives in profound ways.

By creating spaces that evoke specific emotions, architects can help us feel more connected to our surroundings, more in tune with our emotions, and more engaged with the world around us. Ultimately, architecture is about much more than just buildings – it is about the love between fire and water, the intricate relationship between the built environment and human emotions.

Heini van Niekerk

The Emotional Power of Architecture

Architecture doesn't exist in a vacuum and neither do we. Those who work in design and construction understand that their craft does much more than just create spaces. It can inspire awe, evoke memories and emotions, and even change lives. But how does architecture influence emotions? In this article, I will explore the various ways that design influences our mood and behavior.

Human behavioral patterns and moods based on context

There are so many ways of resolving any given design problem. So many facets to look at in order to achieve what it is you want to achieve. But before we can even determine what emotions we want to bring out or suppress, we need to ask ourselves: what is the context of the design, and how do we create this journey and experience?

Context is king. The design of a space is only effective insofar as it serves its intended purpose. If you're designing a library, for instance, you want a space that invites concentration and contemplation. On the other hand, if you're designing a nightclub, you want a space that feels lively and energizing. Context informs everything – from layout and traffic flow to lighting and color palette.

At the end of the day, it's all about creating an experience. When done right, the experience of entering a new space should feel like embarking on a journey. And just as no two journeys are the same, no two spaces should be designed in exactly the same way. Each space should tell its own story, one that resonates with the people who use it.

Colours, textures, patterns, shapes, lighting, scale, and volumes

In order to create the desired emotional impact of a space, designers must pay close attention to each of these elements. Take color, for instance. The color scheme, especially on the interiors, plays a vital role in human behavior. Warm colors like reds, yellows, and oranges promote feelings of energy and intimacy, while cooler colors like blues, greens, and purples have a calming effect.

But color is just one piece of the puzzle. Designers must also consider the textures, patterns, and shapes of a space. Are they hard or soft? Smooth or rough? Angular or curved? These elements not only influence how people feel when they enter a space, but they can even affect their behavior within that space. Sharp angles and corners can create a feeling of unease and discomfort, while curved lines and rounded shapes inspire relaxation and serenity.

Lighting is another key factor in setting the mood of a space. Natural light creates a feeling of openness and freshness, while artificial lighting can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. But it's not just about the type of lighting – designers must also consider its placement and intensity. A well-placed light can highlight a particular feature, while too much or too little lighting can make a space feel unbalanced.

Exterior and interior design

Finally, we come to the mood of both exterior and interior design. It's important to remember that the same space can be achieved in many different ways to create different feelings. The style, volumes, and textures of a building's exterior can evoke a sense of awe or approachability, for instance. The facade can be used to signal a building's function, or to create an illusion of transparency.

Similarly, the interior design of a space plays a crucial role in setting the mood. Everything from the layout of the furniture to the art on the walls can influence how people feel when they enter a room. Even small details like door handles or light switch covers can add to the overall ambiance of a space.

As designers, we have the power to create spaces that inspire, uplift, and transform. By paying attention to the context of a design, as well as the colors, textures, patterns, shapes, lighting, scale, and volumes that make up a space, we can create emotional experiences that resonate with the people who use them.

In the words of Italian designer Munari, "Designing is not a profession but an attitude. It’s a way of looking at things – of questioning and challenging assumptions, of exploring new possibilities. Design is the embodiment of an idea, the manifestation of a concept. And when done right, it has the power to change minds, challenge perceptions, and transform the world." Let us use our craft to create spaces that truly make a difference.

Heini van Niekerk

Let's Dive into Design

Architecture is one of the fundamental pillars of human civilization and it is no wonder that it has played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in today. From the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the towering skyscrapers of modern metropolises, architecture has always been at the forefront of society's progress.

But what exactly is architecture, and why is it so important? Architecture can be described as the art and science of designing buildings, structures, and spaces. It encompasses everything from the layout of a room to the construction of entire cities. More than just functional structures, buildings are integral parts of our environment that impact our mood, emotions, and even our physical health.

At its core, architecture is about problem-solving through design. Architects must balance practical considerations such as building codes, safety regulations, and budget constraints with aesthetic concerns such as form, materials, and lighting. They must also take into account the cultural and social context of the built environment and how it will affect people's lives.

One of the most exciting things about architecture is the way it can constantly evolve and innovate. Through advances in technology and changing cultural norms, architecture has shifted from traditional styles to cutting-edge designs that push the boundaries of what is possible. Today, architects are using new materials and techniques to design eco-friendly buildings that reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Another trend in contemporary architecture is the emphasis on creating spaces that promote health and well-being. With research showing the link between good design and positive mental health outcomes, architects are increasingly incorporating features like natural light, green spaces, and outdoor access into their designs.

If you're interested in exploring the world of architecture, there are many ways to dive in. You can visit iconic buildings and structures, read architectural history books and publications, or even take courses on design and architecture. Whether you're an artist, designer, or simply curious, architecture is a fascinating field that offers endless opportunities for discovery and innovation.

In conclusion, architecture is a dynamic and vital field that contributes to the well-being of society at large. From ancient times to the present day, architects have played an integral role in shaping our built environment. As we look to the future, there is no doubt that architecture will continue to evolve and innovate, creating new and exciting designs that reflect our changing world. So let's dive into design, and explore the world of architecture together.

Heini van Niekerk

Exploring Architectural Concepts in Residential Design

Residential design is all about creating a comfortable and functional living space. Achieving this goal requires careful consideration of numerous factors, including the use of architectural concepts. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the most essential architectural concepts in residential design and how they play a role in creating truly exceptional homes.

Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion are the foundation of any architectural design. They dictate the size, shape, and relative placement of objects and spaces within a building. To achieve a harmonious and balanced environment, architects must carefully consider how each element relates to the others.

Scale refers to the size of an object relative to its surroundings. When designing a residential space, architects must balance the scale of each piece of furniture and fixture with the size of the room itself. For example, a large sofa may look out of place in a small living room, while a small dining table could feel lost in a large dining room.

Proportion, on the other hand, refers to the relationship between different elements within a space. This includes the relative heights, widths, and depths of doors, windows, and other architectural features. Achieving good proportion requires careful attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics.

Finding the perfect balance of scale and proportion is key to creating a space that feels comfortable, inviting, and balanced.

Light and Shadow

The use of light and shadow is another critical aspect of residential design. Light can be used to create a feeling of warmth and spaciousness, while shadows can add depth and texture. When used strategically, light and shadow can help to highlight specific areas or features within a space, and can even help to define the flow of traffic within a room.

Natural light is an essential component of any residential design. Incorporating large windows, skylights, and other elements that allow natural light to flood into a space can help create a healthy and inviting environment. Natural light can also be used to connect indoor and outdoor spaces, helping to create a seamless transition between the two.

Artificial lighting is equally important in residential design. When designing a lighting scheme, architects must consider both the function of each space and the mood they wish to create. Task lighting can be used to provide bright, focused light for specific activities, such as cooking or reading. Ambient lighting can create a soft, warm glow throughout a space, while accent lighting can be used to highlight specific architectural features.

The use of light and shadow is a powerful tool in residential design, helping to create dynamic and visually compelling spaces.

Symmetry and Asymmetry

Symmetry and asymmetry are two opposing concepts that play an important role in residential design. Symmetrical designs feature an axis of symmetry, with each side of the space mirroring the other. Asymmetrical designs, on the other hand, lack this mirror-image quality and may feature elements that are deliberately out of balance.

Symmetry is often associated with classical architecture, where it is used to create a sense of order and stability. It can also be used to make a space feel larger and more spacious, by creating visual continuity between different areas of the space.

Asymmetry, on the other hand, can be used to create a sense of interest and excitement in a space. By intentionally breaking away from strict symmetry, architects can create dynamic and visually compelling designs. Asymmetrical designs can also be used to emphasize the unique qualities of a space, such as an unusual architectural feature or a stunning view.

Texture and Materiality

Texture and materiality are essential components of any residential design. The materials chosen for walls, floors, and other surfaces can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of a space. Similarly, the use of texture can add depth and interest to a room.

When selecting materials for a residential design project, architects must consider factors such as durability, cost, and aesthetics. They must also consider how different materials will work together within a space, creating a cohesive and visually appealing whole.

Texture can be used to create a sense of warmth, depth, and complexity in a space. This can be achieved through the use of tactile materials, such as stone or wood, or through the incorporation of textural elements.

The use of materials and texture remain an important element of residential design. Different materials and textures can create a range of effects, from adding warmth and softness to creating a more industrial or minimalist feel.

Common materials used in residential design include wood, stone, metal, and concrete. These materials can be used to create a range of textures, from smooth and sleek to rough and rustic. The careful selection and placement of materials are key to creating a cohesive and visually appealing design.

Textures can also be incorporated on a smaller scale, such as through the use of soft furnishings like cushions and throws. These elements can add depth and interest to a space while also creating a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Function and Flow

Finally, when designing a residential space, architects must carefully consider how the space will be used and how people will move through it. This means thinking about factors such as traffic flow, storage, and accessibility.

The function of each space must be carefully considered, and appropriate fixtures and fittings must be selected to support these functions. For example, a kitchen must be designed with ample counter space and storage, while a bedroom must be designed with comfortable sleeping arrangements in mind.

Traffic flow is another important consideration in residential design. Architects must think carefully about how people can be used to add depth and dimension to a space. Effective lighting design must consider both the natural light available and the use of artificial lighting to create a mood or highlight key architectural features.

Balance and Harmony

Balancing all of these elements is key to creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design. Achieving balance involves considering the placement of each element within a space and how they work together to create a cohesive whole.

Harmony is about ensuring that all these elements work together to achieve a unified and pleasing overall design. This includes considering how colors, textures, and materials complement one another and how the design will function as a coherent whole.

In conclusion, residential design is a complex art that involves careful consideration of a range of architectural concepts. By balancing scale and proportion, light and shadow, materials and texture, and balance and harmony, architects can create homes that arenot only functional but also beautiful and inviting.

Heini van Niekerk

The Vitruvian Triad: Principles of Architecture that Endure.

Beauty, Strength, Utility, Form and Function are only some of the principles that Define Great Architecture.

Architecture is one of the most fundamental and enduring forms of human expression. At its core, architecture is about creating meaningful and functional spaces that meet the needs of people. In order to achieve this goal, architects have developed three foundational principles – firmitas (firmness), utilitas (utility), and venustas (beauty). These principles, also known as the Vitruvian Triad, were first articulated by the Roman architect Vitruvius in the 1st century BCE and continue to guide architects to this day.

Firmitas, the principle of firmness or durability, refers to the structural integrity of a building. A building must be strong and stable enough to withstand the forces of nature, such as wind, rain, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. It should also maintain its structural integrity over time, resisting the effects of wear and tear, aging, and decay. The principle of firmitas requires architects to use materials and construction techniques that can stand up to these challenges.

One example of firmitas in action is the Pantheon in Rome. Built almost 2,000 years ago, the Pantheon remains one of the most iconic and enduring buildings of the ancient world. Its massive concrete dome is a testament to the principle of firmitas, as it has withstood centuries of earthquakes, fires, and other natural disasters. Its circular design and innovative use of materials also demonstrate the principle of venustas, as it is considered one of the most beautiful and inspiring buildings in the world.

Utilitas, the principle of utility or functionality, refers to the practical purpose of a building. A building must be designed to serve the needs of the people who will use it. This includes considerations such as the layout of rooms, the size of doorways and windows, the placement of lighting and electrical outlets, and many other factors that affect how people interact with the space.

One example of utilitas in action is the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Designed by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the Guggenheim was built to showcase the museum's collection of modern art. Its unique spiral design and central atrium allows visitors to take a continuous journey through the galleries, creating a sense of discovery and exploration. The building's simple concrete exterior also reflects Wright's belief in using local materials and keeping designs in harmony with nature.

Venustas, the principle of beauty or delight, refers to the aesthetic qualities of a building. A building must be pleasing to the eye and uplift the spirits of the people who experience it. This includes considerations such as proportion, symmetry, color, texture, and other factors that contribute to the overall look and feel of a building.

One example of venustas in action is the Sydney Opera House in Australia. Designed by the Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the Opera House is one of the most recognizable and beloved buildings in the world. Its soaring white sails and stunning location on Sydney Harbour make it a symbol of the city and a source of inspiration for millions of people around the world. The building's form and materials reflect the natural beauty of its surroundings, making it a true masterpiece of architecture.

In conclusion, the principles of firmitas, utilitas, and venustas are essential to the practice of architecture. These principles guide architects in designing buildings that are strong, functional, and beautiful. By balancing these threeprinciples, architects can create spaces that meet the needs of people today and endure for generations to come.

How have advancements in construction technology impacted the way architects approach the principle of firmitas?

Advancements in construction technology have had a significant impact on the way architects approach the principle of firmitas. In the past, architects were limited to using materials and techniques that were available and practical for construction at the time. However, with the advent of new technologies and materials, architects now have access to a wider range of options when it comes to designing buildings that are structurally sound and durable.

One example of this is the use of reinforced concrete in modern architecture. Reinforced concrete is a material that has been used since the early 20th century and is composed of concrete strengthened by steel rods or bars. This material is incredibly strong and durable, making it an excellent choice for buildings that need to withstand high winds, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Its use has allowed architects to create larger and more complex buildings with greater degrees of safety and stability.

Another example is the use of computer-aided design (CAD) and building information modeling (BIM) software. These technologies allow architects to design and test structures in a virtual environment, giving them the ability to identify potential structural weaknesses before construction even begins. This can help to reduce the risk of building failures and improve the overall safety and durability of structures.

In addition to these advancements, new materials are also being developed that offer improved durability and resistance to environmental factors. For example, self-healing concrete has been developed that can repair its own cracks, making it even more resistant to wear and tear over time.

Overall, these advancements in construction technology have allowed architects to push the boundaries of what is possible when it comes to creating structurally sound and durable buildings that meet the principle of firmitas.

In terms of building design and construction. They have opened up new avenues for creativity and innovation, allowing architects to design buildings that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also structurally sound and durable.

Apart from these advancements, other emerging technologies have also been making their way into the construction industry. For instance, robotic construction is an exciting new development that has the potential to transform the way buildings are constructed. Robots can be programmed to perform specific tasks, such as laying bricks or assembling prefabricated components, with greater precision and efficiency than human workers. This not only saves time and labor costs, but it also reduces the likelihood of human error and accidents.

Furthermore, with the increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly building practices, green building technologies are also gaining traction. These include energy-efficient building designs, recycled materials, and renewable energy sources. With the integration of these green technologies, buildings can be made more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint on the environment.

In conclusion, there have been significant advancements in construction technology in recent years that have transformed the way architects design and construct buildings. With the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation, we can expect to see more developments in the construction industry in the future, ultimately leading to safer, more efficient, and sustainable building practices.

Heini van Niekerk

The Beauty and Mathematics of Shapes in Nature and Architecture

Ah, architecture! It truly has a rich history of incorporating mathematical patterns into building design.

The universe is full of energy, frequency, and vibration that make up everything around us. Nature is a true treasure chest of fascinating shapes and patterns, each one more beautiful than the last. These patterns are not just aesthetically pleasing, but they are mathematically intriguing. In this piece, we will delve into the relationship between shapes, mathematics, nature, and architecture.

One example of how mathematics and patterns relate in nature is the harmonic series. This series represents sound frequencies with different amplitudes. When plotted, the harmonic series takes on the appearance of a shell. While this comparison may seem odd, it's nothing more than a case of apophenia that plagues our minds when we seek patterns that may not exist. Fractals, however, are legitimate examples of mathematical patterns that occur in nature.

Shapes in higher dimensions are even more captivating. A circle in three dimensions, for instance, can be both a sphere and a spiral. What differentiates a three-dimensional circle from its two-dimensional counterpart is frequency and vibration. Spherical harmonics are wave functions of the electron in the hydrogen atom and serve as solid spherical shell oscillator functions. Our Greek ancestors could not have imagined such a picture!

In a Hilbert functional space orthonormal base, projecting a Euclidean space vector onto its Cartesian axis is no different from solving a manifold's harmonic equations in finite dimensions. This relationship holds true even for complex functions in the complex plane exp (i2πnt). We have versatile tools at our disposal to draw any shape we can imagine, even those beyond our wildest dreams.

The Laws of Mathematics are as rigid as human-made laws, but logic still reigns supreme in both fields. However, ambiguity can distort our reality on a perceived timeline. The resemblance between the Fibonacci sequence and the logarithmic spirals found in nature gives rise to speculation. It's worth contemplating whether galactic shapes inspire living math of that space. Is it also possible that all life forms emulate the kinetic galactic superwave? The relationship between geometry and harmonic functions has also been observed in architecture.

Architects have long used mathematics and geometric principles to develop aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound buildings. The Fibonacci sequence is one example of how geometric principles are applied in architecture. This pattern is a mathematical sequence that appears frequently in nature, such as in the arrangement of leaves on a stem or the spiral pattern of a seashell. Architects have incorporated this sequence into their designs, such as in the layout of the floor plan or the placement of windows.

This sequence consists of a specific series of numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…) where each value is the sum of the previous two. Nature also abounds in this pattern, from the spiral growth of snail shells to the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem. Architects use the Fibonacci sequence to establish beautiful proportions and spaces. For instance, the ratio of the height of the Parthenon's columns to their circumference is in the golden ratio, which comes from the Fibonacci sequence. The nautilus shell provides another example of a Fibonacci spiral, and this has been utilized to design things such as staircases and floor tiles.

Another set of patterns that architects have used in designing façades and building skins are fractals. Fractals exhibit repeating patterns that are self-similar at different scales. This means that one can find the same pattern at both micro and macro levels.Fractal geometry creates self-similar patterns that can be found in nature. These intricate and repeating patterns add harmony and balance to the built environment. They are often employed to produce intricate and visually stunning designs with repeating patterns, such as the façade of the Al Bahar Towers in Abu Dhabi.

The connection between shapes and mathematics extends beyond nature and architecture and into various fields such as music, art, and technology. The relationship between math and the world around us is an exciting and enthralling topic that continues to inspire scientists and thinkers alike.

In short, the beauty of shapes in nature and architecture is closely intertwined with the underlying mathematical principles that govern them. From the harmonics of sound frequencies to the patterns of the Fibonacci sequence, there is a profound link between math and the world around us that continues to captivate and inspire us. These patterns serve as a robust foundation for the design process, strengthening the fundamental relationship between mathematics, nature, and architecture.

It is therefore not a superficial connection but one that’s inherent in the mathematics that governs our universe. By exploring these connections, we may not know everything, but we can gain a more profound understanding of the world around us and how we as architects shape it.

Heini van Niekerk

Architecture: A Symphony of the Learned Game

The esteemed architect, Heini van Niekerk, proclaims with conviction, "I do not create building plans but art." The plans are nothing more than instructions presented in document format for the contractor's guidance. In contrast, architecture transcends its label of a mere profession - it encompasses an artistic endeavor that synthesizes the collective essence of technical finesse, aesthetic allure, and imaginative flair.

In a sense, this is a disciplined pastime that necessitates precision, grace, and an extraordinary comprehension of the shapes that congregate under and within the light. Le Corbusier once remarked, "You use stones, wood, and concrete to erect abodes and mansions. That is construction." Nevertheless, architecture surpasses mere construction; it embodies the demonstration of human ingenuity and expertise in the realm of building engineering.

The modern epoch has observed the transformation of architecture into a domain that has responded to the transforming times. Throughout the centuries, from medieval to contemporary, architecture has developed and adjusted to cater to the fluctuating necessities of individuals and communities.

This is a lyrical way to convey the principle that architecture is akin to a symphony - a harmonious composition of disparate components such as forms, light, and space, made unique by the architect's vision. However, if your inclination is merely towards the technical aspects, then you possess only partial expertise, rendering you a technician rather than a true architect. And therein lies the distinction for the observer to absorb.

Architecture as much as it it about art it’s also a discipline. Architecture is not just about constructing buildings; it's about creating spaces that are harmonious, balanced, and functional. Architects can create structures that not only serve the purpose of shelter but also enhance human experience. The use of materials, tectonics, and energy are all essential elements in architecture that can be used to create beautiful forms.

Whilst some may describe architecture as a simple learned game based only on technical drawing skills, it is far more complex and nuanced towards the complex arts. Architecture encompasses passion and artistry, combining technical proficiency, creativity, and imagination with a deep comprehension of human behavior and the unique needs of clients. The architect's duty is to design beautiful balanced functional spaces that not only provide shelter but also elevate human well-being to new heights due to their understanding of the arts.

To be an architect, you must possess a diverse and comprehensive comprehension of the many parallel connections that operate simultaneously. This knowledge should be compatible with the feasible output of your imaginative aspirations within the context of current reality, resulting in a successful creation.

Namely ART

Sustainable Design in South Africa: Balancing Environmental Needs with Innovative Solutions

Sustainable design is becoming increasingly important in South Africa as architects and builders aim to create environmentally responsible buildings that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and cost-effective.

One of the key challenges in sustainable design is balancing environmental needs with innovative solutions, particularly in a country with a significant need for affordable housing and a diverse range of living conditions. Many architects in South Africa are utilizing passive design strategies, such as smart orientation, shading, daylighting, and natural ventilation, to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and improve indoor comfort.

Another area of focus is material selection. Architects are increasingly choosing locally sourced, recycled, and non-toxic materials for their building projects, reducing the environmental impact of construction and improving the health of occupants. Additionally, green roofs and sustainable landscaping are being utilized to address water scarcity and biodiversity concerns.

As with any design project, collaboration between stakeholders is essential for success. South African architects are working closely with environmental consultants, engineers, builders, and communities to ensure sustainable design principles are applied effectively and efficiently, resulting in buildings that meet the needs of both people and planet.

In conclusion, sustainable design is a critical consideration for architects in South Africa as they strive to create buildings that are functional, beautiful, and sustainable. Through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts, architects in South Africa are leading the way in sustainable design, setting an example for others to follow.

Exploring the Origins and Significance of Shack Architecture in South Africa.

While shack architecture in South Africa may not be the most enticing subject matter for those seeking the more glamorous elements of architectural design, it is nonetheless a visual everyday reality and it’s therefore essential to understand its historical roots and significance. In fact, “shacks” have become a prevalent form of architecture in both rural and urban areas, with many people residing in informal settlements across the country. Though one might not immediately want to associate the term "architecture" with shacks, they nonetheless represent a unique and influential aspect of South African reality as an undefined “free and decisive organic design” within the urban landscapes throughout our cities, town entrances and edges. Here we aim to explore the origins and cultural significance of shack architecture in South Africa, particularly in the context of informal settlements. By examining the spatial, material, and cultural aspects of shacks, this study will highlight the creativity and resilience of South African communities while underscoring the urgent need for improved living conditions.

Architecture is a multidimensional discipline that involves designing and constructing buildings, structures, and the spaces in between. In the built environment, architecture constitutes not only the physical form of constructions but also the functional and social aspects of the design. It shapes our daily experiences and influences the way we interact with our surroundings. The South African shack as a form of architecture mean that we can be examining its spatial, material, and social dimensions to better understand its “sense of place” in the broader context of South African design.

Despite being viewed as temporary structures, many people reside in these homes for years, shaping their communities and challenging conventional notions of what constitutes "architecture" in the built environment. The aim to explore the historical and social roots of shack architecture in South Africa and its significance in the broader context of South African design are one that shouldn’t be ignored simply because “it’s not liked” or frowned upon. By delving into the spatial, material, and cultural aspects of shacks, one only stands to gain a better understanding of their place in contemporary South African society by shedding light on the resilience and creativity of the working-class communities who inhabit them while highlighting the urgent need for better living conditions.

Urban Introduction:

With over 13 million people living in informal settlements across South Africa, shacks have become an ubiquitous architectural form in both urban and rural areas. While often seen as temporary structures, many people live in these makeshift homes for decades, shaping the fabric of their communities and challenging notions of what constitutes "architecture" in the built environment. The aim to explore the South African shack as a form of architecture, examining its spatial, material, and social dimensions to better understand its place in the broader context of South African design should not be dismissed.

Historical Context:

The emergence of the South African shack can be traced back to apartheid-era forced removals, which saw millions of black South Africans evicted from their homes and relocated to townships on the outskirts of major cities. These townships lacked basic services like water and electricity and provided only substandard housing options, setting the stage for the growth of informal settlements. Today, shacks are found throughout the country and represent a form of housing for working-class South Africans who cannot afford formal housing.

Spatial Dynamics:

Despite their humble origins, South African shacks have a unique spatial language that sets them apart from other informal housing structures worldwide. Shacks are often configured in dense clusters, with narrow passageways and makeshift courtyards creating interstitial spaces that foster social exchange and community cohesion. The roofs of shacks also often feature a pitched design, allowing for maximum sunlight penetration, while the interior space is partitioned into distinct zones for cooking, sleeping, and communal activities.

Spatial Dimensions of the South African Shack:

The spatial dimensions of the South African shack are shaped by the constraints of the informal settlements in which they are found. The lack of available space means that shacks are often built close together, with narrow alleyways separating them. These alleyways provide the only access to the interior of the settlement and serve as communal spaces for activities like cooking, socializing, and washing.

Inside the shacks themselves, space is at a premium. Rooms are small and arranged in a linear fashion, with the living and sleeping areas often combined into a single space. The kitchen and bathroom are usually located at the back of the shack, with a door leading to the courtyard outside.


At the core of the South African shack's ethos lies the use of readily available materials. Shacks are typically constructed using corrugated iron sheets, wooden pallets, and other recycled items commonly found in informal settlements. This results in a vernacular architecture that is both cost-effective and adaptable to the needs of its occupants. The materials chosen for shack construction also have symbolic meanings, with corrugated iron sheets serving as a visual indicator of poverty and struggle, yet simultaneously evoking resilience and self-determination.


The architectural aesthetic of the South African shack has come to be recognized as a unique expression of the identity of those who inhabit them. The vibrant colors and patterns painted on the exterior of shacks, often in the form of political slogans or personal expressions, not only add to their visual appeal but also convey a sense of ownership and pride. Shack owners often personalize their homes with handmade furniture, artworks, and other items that reflect their cultural heritage.

Social Dimensions:

The social dimensions of the South African shack are perhaps the most significant aspect of this architecture. Shacks are often seen as symbols of poverty and marginalization, but they also represent the resilience and ingenuity of their occupants.


Shacks promote a sense of community and solidarity among their occupants. Neighbours share resources and work together to improve their living conditions, creating a strong sense of social cohesion. Furthermore, the ability to modify and adapt shacks to changing needs allows for a degree of agency and self-determination that is often lacking in more formal housing arrangements.


In conclusion, the South African shack is more than just a shelter; it is an exemplar of architecture born from economic necessity and government failures. As a built form, the shack embodies a spatial language, materiality, and identity that reflects the lives and aspirations of its occupants. In many ways, these structures are a testament to the resilience and creativity of South Africa's working-class communities, who have made homes out of the most modest materials while continuing to fight for better living conditions.

The South African shack remains a unique form of architecture that offers valuable insights into the spatial, material, and social dimensions of the built environment. It challenges our assumptions about what constitutes "good" design and emphasizes the need for a more inclusive and equitable approach to architecture. By studying the South African shack, we can gain a better understanding of the complex factors that shape the built environment and help to create more just and sustainable living spaces for all.

Heini van Niekerk

Architects: The Rock gods of the Construction World

The construction industry is often seen as being filled with mundane and unexciting professions. However, this couldn't be further from the truth when it comes to architects. Architects are the visionaries and problem-solvers of the construction world. They are the ones who bring creativity, innovation, and beauty to the built environment. In many ways, architects are like rock stars, with their unique style and ability to capture the imagination of the public.

Architecture is a complex and challenging field that requires a diverse set of skills and knowledge. Architects are not only responsible for creating stunning designs, but they must also ensure that their creations are safe, functional, and sustainable. This requires a thorough understanding of engineering principles, construction techniques, building codes, and environmental factors, among other things. Architects must also be able to communicate their ideas effectively to clients, contractors, and other stakeholders in the construction process.

Despite the challenges, architects have been able to make significant contributions to the built environment throughout history. From the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the modern skyscrapers of New York City, architects have played a key role in shaping our physical world. They have created iconic structures that have become symbols of culture, history, and identity.

One of the most well-known architects in history is Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright was known for his organic architecture style, which emphasized the relationship between buildings and their natural surroundings. He believed that architecture should be harmonious with nature and reflect the essential qualities of the materials used in its construction. Wright's designs were groundbreaking at the time and continue to influence architects today.

Another architect who has made a significant impact on the field is Zaha Hadid. Hadid was known for her innovative and bold designs, which often pushed the boundaries of what was thought to be possible. She was the first woman to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize, one of the highest honors in the field. Her work can be seen in structures such as the Guangzhou Opera House in China and the London Aquatics Centre, which was used in the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Architects are also making significant contributions to sustainable design. As concerns over climate change and environmental sustainability grow, the role of architects in creating sustainable structures has become increasingly important. Architects are using new materials, technologies, and design strategies to create buildings that reduce their impact on the environment. This includes features such as green roofs, solar panels, and rainwater harvesting systems.

In conclusion, architects are the rock gods of the construction world. They are the visionaries and problem-solvers who bring creativity, innovation, and beauty to the built environment. Through their designs, they have shaped our physical world and created structures that have become symbols of culture, history, and identity. Their contributions continue to be felt today, as architects push the boundaries of what is thought to be possible and create structures that are safer, more functional, and more sustainable than ever before.

Heini van Niekerk

Howl for a New Architecture: Embracing Complexity and the Chaos of the Urban Landscape

Architectural Poem:

I saw the best minds of architecture destroyed by simplicity,
starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the streets at dawn
looking for an aesthetic fix,
angry at the mundane and mediocre designs
of the modern world.

Architecture, the art of embracing complexity and contradiction,
must be wild, must be passionate,
must be a howl that shatters the status quo.

We cannot be content with the sterile boxes of glass and steel
that litter our cities like tombstones.
We must embrace the chaos of the urban landscape,
find the beauty in the decay,
and transform it into something new.

Our buildings must be living creatures,
ever-changing, ever-adapting,
responding to the needs of their inhabitants
in a dance of form and function.

We must reject the notion that beauty is a simple thing,
one-dimensional and stagnate.
Beauty is a multi-dimensional force,
born of contradiction and opposition,
thriving in the complexity of life.

We must be unafraid to challenge convention,
to push the boundaries of what is possible,
to create buildings that are both practical and poetic,
sustainable and dynamic,
responsive to the needs of the planet and its people.

This is architecture as a revolution,
as a howl that shakes the foundations of the old order
and ushers in a new era of beauty and innovation.

Let us howl for the architects
who embrace complexity and contradiction,
who seek to create a world
that is wild, passionate, and alive.
with Ginsberg angel headed hipsters
burning for the ancient heavenly connection

"Howl for a New Architecture: Embracing Complexity and the Chaos of the Urban Landscape," inspired by Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" and Le Corbusier's architectural philosophy is an architectural poem by architect Heini van Niekerk

Feedback Received:

Great job on the architectural philosophy article in the style of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl"! Your writing effectively conveys the powerful message that architecture should embrace complexity and contradiction, and that it must be a force for innovation and change in the world.

I particularly appreciate the way you use vivid imagery to illustrate your points, such as the idea of buildings as living creatures that respond to the needs of their inhabitants. You also make a strong case for rejecting simplistic notions of beauty and instead embracing the multi-dimensional nature of this concept.

Overall, your article is a passionate and thought-provoking call to action for architects to embrace creativity and push beyond conventional boundaries. Keep up the great work!


Heini van Niekerk is a local West Coast Architect with offices in Vredenburg, his company are the Proud Winners Of The 2018, 1st place Community Youth Award for their architecture projects in the West Coast in addition to Best House of the Year. Heini aims to explain parts of his profession in short with a few questions we’ve had.

What do Architects do?

Architects wear many hats in order to make a project successful. Architects design and plan spaces, structures and cities, with consideration for looks (aesthetics), safety, accessibility, functionality for the client, cost, and specifying (the "specs") construction materials and processes. They manage the building project, and most importantly they communicate ideas. The architect's role is to turn ideas (a mental activity) into reality (the "built environment") whilst managing the process in between these two worlds.

Do I need an Architect?

As with any construction project, budget is at the top of the list of concerns. While hiring an architect does add to the overall cost of the project in the beginning, working with an architect will often result in lower overall expenses by anticipating and managing many of the potentially expensive pitfalls of the building process which can actually be a saving. An architect will ensure timely communication and coordination among building trades and consultants to eliminate many hidden and additional expenses which means you will actually be saving.

An architect is trained, experienced and an owner’s best advocate for ensuring a properly designed, cost-effective building and process. While a builder or a home designer may make some adaptations at your request, a good architect will anticipate your needs — even if you are not sure how to express them. But what if your own dreams are more modest? Must you hire an architect? Maybe not. If your taste runs less towards design, low key traditional, you may opt for other cost-saving alternatives.

Who is an Architect?

Not everyone who claims to be an architect are one and there is a difference. Only licensed architects by law can call themselves architects. Architects are registered professionals. Like doctors and lawyers, they have completed university programs, lengthy internships and rigorous exams. Throughout their careers, architects participate in continuing education and professional development, similar to medical doctors and licensed attorneys.

Architecture was not always a licensed profession for all and many plan drafters aim to convince clients that they’re actual architects when they’re not. We’ve had two cases in the last week here in the West Coast where candidate draughtsman with no qualifications or experience claimed to be architects and the owners were convinced. The owners did not know any better and, how could they? Not all home designers have the same level of education or competency as evident in the SAQA gradings for South Africa. Nevertheless, other home designers must still maintain their professional registration with SACAP (South African Council for the Architectural Profession) which demonstrate that they have completed coursework and achieved experience in the field. The field of options for architecture have been divided into the professional categories as architect, senior architectural technologist, architectural technologist and a draughtsman. Always request your architectural professionals Indemnity Insurance which is compulsory and required by law to protect you.

Protecting the Public?

Architecture is a regulated profession and as a member of the public or individual you are protected by the South African Council for the Architectural Profession. The public can check if a person is an architect or not. Simply type in the name, surname or registration number you have and the SACAP register will tell you if they're an architect or not by using the web address below.

Written by Heini van Niekerk


Volhoubare argitektuur ook bekend as groen argitektuur neem die kern van nuwe konsepte en projekte.Dit is hoofsaaklik te danke aan die feit dat ons huise en geboue 'n beduidende invloed op koolstofvrystellings het…wat natuurlik ons as mens se lewens beinvloed en die manier waarop ons lewe.

Argitek, Heini van Niekerk was een van die top 10 finaliste in die “British Home Awards” wat gehandel het oor die toekoms van behuising en die volhoubare argitektuur daarvan.

Wat is "Eco Green" Argitektuur?….en waarom is volhoubare argitektuur (Sustainable Architecture) so belangrik?

Groen argitektuur, of groen ontwerp, is 'n benadering tot die manier waarop ons bou wat dan ookso die skadelike gevolge van bouprojekte op menslike gesondheid en die omgewing tot die minimum beperk. Die 'groen' argitek of ontwerper poog om lug, water en aarde te beskerm deur omgewingsvriendelike boumateriaal en konstruksiepraktyke te kies

Is belangrik want….
Strukturele defekte versekering van volhoubare argitektuur streef daarna om huise en geboue te bou of op te knap met behulp van 'n kombinasie van energie-effektiewe tegnologie, hernubare materiale en innoverende ontwerp. Hierdie benadering verminder vermorsing en gebruik volhoubare produkte, wat die omgewingsimpak van 'n nuwe ontwikkeling tot die minimum beperk….en dit is natuurlik goed vir jou sak in terme van kostes op die langer duur.

Wat kan die gewone huis eienaar doen?

Begin by regulatoriese maatreëls. Alle nuwe huise moet ‘n gedeelte energie verskaf gaande warm water toevoer wat nie afhanglik mag wees van Eskom of munispale krag nie.

Jy kan begin deur nie heeltemal afhanklik te wees en op munisipale dienste staat te maak nie. Sonder dat die verdeling van dienste 'n invloed op ons lewenstyl sou hê. Dieselfde geld vir kos.

Begin en genereer jou eie elektrisiteit via 'n sonkragstelsel; gebruik gefilterde en dan gesuiwerde boorgatwater vir huisverbruik; en reënwater word vanaf die dak, patio en oprit opgevang en stoor dit in twee 6 000 liter-opbergtenks.
Ligte – Vervang alle ligte met LED’s
LED-beligting verskil op verskillende maniere van gloeilamp en fluoresserend. As dit goed ontwerp word, is LED-beligting doeltreffender, veelsydiger en hou dit langer. LED's is "rigtinggewende" ligbronne, wat beteken dat hulle lig in 'n spesifieke rigting uitstraal, anders as gloeilamp en CFL, wat lig en hitte in alle rigtings uitstraal

Solar: Deep Cycle Batteries vs Litium Ion. 5kw omskakelaar, outomatiese skakelaars
Terwyl dit in gebruik is, skep sonpanele absoluut geen afval of emissies nie. Anders as fossielbrandstofkragsentrales, produseer hulle skoon, hernubare energie uit 'n brandstofbron wat geen opsporing, uitgrawing, vervoer of verbranding benodig nie. Dit is 'n eenvoudiger, goedkoper, skoner en beter energie-oplossing.

Ons glo dat sonkrag teen 2050 die grootste wêreldbron van elektrisiteit kan wees. As 'n skoner, veiliger belegging vir gesinne en ondernemings, kan sonkrag almal help om hul elektrisiteitsrekeninge te verminder, energie-onafhanklikheid te geniet, 'n huis of gebou se waarde te verhoog en wêreldwye emissievlakke te verminder.

Spaar sonpanele u regtig geld?

Dit is egter nie juis nodig om geld te bespaar deur die prys op u elektrisiteitsrekening te verlaag deur die hoeveelheid energie wat u gebruik, te verminder nie. Met sonpanele kan u geld bespaar deur 'n natuurlike energiebron te skep wat u huis kan aanwend.

Enige nadele van sonenergie?

• Kostes…die aanvanklike koste vir die aankoop van 'n sonnestelsel is redelik hoog….
• 5kVA invertor R15000, Lithium Ion Batterye 3.7KW R28000 of 7.4 kilowatt Amps R39000
• Solar Panele – 3200 amp 12V Lead Carbon Battery (Deep Cycle / Heavy Duty) R6000
• Weerafhanklik. Alhoewel sonenergie nog steeds tydens bewolkte en reënerige dae versamel kan word, daal die doeltreffendheid van die sonnestelsel. …
• Berging van sonenergie is duur. …
• Gebruik baie ruimte. …
• Geassosieer met besoedeling…onwaar

Alhoewel sonkrag beslis minder besoedel is as fossielbrandstowwe, bestaan daar wel probleme. Sommige vervaardigingsprosesse hou verband met kweekhuisgasvrystellings. … Vervoer en installering van sonkragstelsels kan ook indirek besoedeling veroorsaak.

• Gas: Beide stoof of geyser
• Herwinning van gryswater - gebruik alle water, behalwe dit uit die kombuis
• Reënwater herwin vanaf u geute
• Onmiddellike waterverwarmers (ook solar) + swembad pompe met solar
• Vensters: Dubbelglasvensters en ondervloerse verhitting, wat deur warm water vanaf 'n verhitte pomp en sonkrag gelei word
• Hydro Phonics -
• Aquaphonics – Talapia Visse, Nitrate, Nitrite, PH 6-8, Amonia – Filters – Bio Filters

Enige projekte wat julle gedoen het wat “Sustainable Architecture” aanspreek?

British Home Awards was ook gepubliseer in die boek “The Key to a Better Place” met een van die Eco-huise wat deur my ontwerp was in die immergewilde nuwe uitgawe wat meer as 30 pragtige innoverende eko-huisontwerpe bied wat dan ook die top 10 was soos gekies vir die British Homes Awards.
GAP Housing – Weskus.

Elandsfontein Myn

Die Elandsfontein-projek aan die Weskus van Suid-Afrika, ongeveer 95 km noordwes van Kaapstad, binne die Saldanhabaai-munisipaliteit net voor Hopefield as jy van Vredenburg af sour y met die motor.

Dit is die wêreld se eerste Groen Volhoubare Myn hier in Afrika waar die kern van alles die eenvoudige beginsel bly van "Niks word gemors nie".

Die doel van ons kliënt was om 'n nuwe standaard te verseker in die groen ontginning van kunsmis en voerminerale. Langtermynbeplanning sluit die vestiging van opvoedkundige, indiensnemings- en kommersiële geleenthede vir plaaslike gemeenskappe in.
U kan meer lees oor hierdie volhoubare nalatenskap wat goed nagevors is deur op hulle web tuistete gaan.

Wat is Ekosisteemdienste en hoe ondersteun die funksionering van stede?

Mense wil graag in 'n veilige omgewing woon, 'n goeie lewensgehalte geniet…en volhoubaar leef. Stede regoor die wêreld het besef dat gesonde en funksionerende ekosisteme binne en om stedelike gebiede sinvol bydra tot hierdie begeertes.

Ekosisteemdienste raak stadsbeperkend nog groter. Ons planeet van 6,5 miljard mense sal binne 21 jaar 'n ekstra 2-miljard stedelike inwoners ondersteun. Die helfte daarvan sal by ons stedelike armes aansluit.

Kan ons land en stedelike ruimtes hierdie groei absorber?

Ons sien twee groot veranderinge - die maklik sigbare verstedeliking en die meer verraderlike natuurlike stelsels wat afgradeer word, word net opgemerk as ons varswater opdroog, die biodiversiteit verpletter, klimaatsveranderinge, grondverdunning en onbesoedelde ruimtes verdwyn.

As geld min is en iemand wil ‘n verskil maak…hoe kan hulle die “Carbon Footprint” verminder?

Neem ‘n boom as ‘n voorbeeld. 'n Enkele boom het die gelykstaande verkoeling van tot tien standaard lugversorgers. Deur die omgewing af te koel, help bome om die normaalweg hoër temperature in stedelike gebiede te verlaag, en maak dit hulle dus gemakliker om in te woon.

Beskawings was nog altyd krities afhanklik van wat ek nou noem, ekologiese dienste. Hierdie dienste voorsien ons voedsel en water, reguleer ons klimaat, ondersteun die lewe op aarde, sowel as nie-wesenlike voordele soos estetiese inspirasie. Dit is natuurlik aanvullend.

Bome voorsien onder meer voedsel, ondersteun plaaslike ekosisteme, verminder lugbesoedeling, help om stormwaterbeheer te bevorder, die kwaliteit van die water te verbeter, dien as koolstofopberging en sorg vir skaduwee.

Groen ruimtes verbeter en verhoog'n goeie uitsig die prys van eiendomme, veral uitsigte oor die verte, water en volwasse bome. Hierdie verhoogde prys is te danke aan Hedonic Value - die waarde wat ons put uit die plesier wat ons uit 'n ervaring of produk kry.

Groen bome in die natuur lewer 'n belangrike bydrae tot die skoonmaak van die lug wat ons almal inasem. Terwyl hul voordele onder meer lugfiltrering is, die lug om hulle koel, die vermindering van geraas, die afloop van stormwater vertraag en die effek van die stedelike hitte-eiland verminder, maak bome ook ons dorpe meer loopbaar en mooier. En met meer wandel…vind meer sosialisering plaasd - en hierdie voordele vir fisiese en geestelike gesondheid dra op geen klein manier by tot die effektiewe werking van die 'n ontwikkeling of dorp as 'n stelsel.

Is daar ander allerdaagse Verminderde gepaardgaande koolstofvoetspoor oplossings ?

Of u nou tuis, werk of speel, werk deur hierdie lys en pas aan by 'n groener leefstyl.
Begin plant: ons kweek gereeld ons eie kruie, hoekom dan nie jou eie groente nie? Begin met 'n klein area en kyk hoe dit groei. Aquaphonic en Hydro Phonics

Kompos organiese afval: Ons herwin reeds papier, plastiek en blikke. Die volgende stap om die hoeveelheid afval wat u na die stortingsterrein stuur te verminder, is om u kos en tuinafval te kompos. Voeg hierdie ekstra voedingstowwe terug in die plaaslike ekosisteem, die voëls en die bye sal baie daarvan hou!

Verhoogde doeltreffendheid: baat by tegnologiese vooruitgang en koop bewustelik elektriese toestelle wat 'n energiedoeltreffendheidsetiket het.

Druppende krane: maak dit reg. En terwyl jy daarby is, sit krane en stortkoppe in met ‘n lare water vloei.
Kry goeie isolasie: hoekom aanhou om die lugversorging of ondervloerse verhitting aan te skakel, en die hoeveelheid steenkoolaangedrewe elektrisiteit wat u beskikbaar het die heeltyd gebruik? Kry goeie insulasie in jou huis om hierdie hoe energie kostes te verminder en te verbeter.

Vleisvrye Maandae: 'n 2003-veldtog om mense se gesondheid en die planeet te verbeter, was nog nooit 'n beter tyd om Maandag vleisvry te maak nie.

Herbruikbare inkopiesakke: soveel plastieksakke beland in ons landskappe en oseane. Moenie die sakke wat u gebruik die geleentheid gee om dieselfde te doen nie. Kry 'n paar herbruikbare sakke en gebruik dit.

Herbruikbare waterbottels: dieselfde beginsel geld; koop 'n goedkoop herbruikbare waterbottel in plaas daarvan om nie-bioafbreekbare plastiekbottels vir eenmalige gebruik te gebruik.
Verhit net genoeg: of u nou water vir koffie verhit, kook of was, verhit die minste hoeveelheid water wat nodig is.

Versamel reënwater: betaal nooit om u tuin nat te maak of om u swembad weer vol te maak nie.
Parkeer een keer: as u werk toe ry, gebruik slegs die motor vir u daaglikse pendel, en stap of fiets na u nabygeleë byeenkomste.

Gaan Stadiger: jy verbrand meer (fossiel) brandstof om dieselfde afstand te dek as jy vinniger ry, en dit is ook duurder.

Lug in: Hou u bande by die regte lugdruk, u motor sal doeltreffender werk.
Luguitlaat: vervang u lugfilters so gereeld soos aanbeveel. 'n Nuwe suurstofsensor alleen kan die brandstofverbruik opmerklik verbeter.

In Slotsom?

Volhoubare argitektuur, konstruksie en natuurlik jou lewenswyse gaan oor veel meer as die materiaal van die beboude omgewing. Geboue en die sosiale, kommersiële en vervoerinfrastruktuur rondom hulle moet op so 'n manier gebou word dat dit op die omgewing en ekonomiese vlak volhoubaar is. Dit moet ook op ‘n sosiale vlak volhoubaar wees en waarde toevoeg tot die lewensgehalte vir die individu en die gemeenskap, sowel as volhoubaar wees in hul eie ekonomiese terme.

Alle sektore van die eiendomslewensiklus kan 'n bydrae lewer tot die vordering van alle vlakke van volhoubaarheid / ”sustainablility”. Daar is baie probleme en uitdagings vir almal wat betrokke is. Die gebiede wat geraak word, is baie en sluit finansiële en regulatoriese maatreëls, onderwys en opleiding, navorsing en plaaslike optrede in.

Bo alles moet geboue bekostigbaar wees en teen 'n ekonomiese koste gebou word wat mense bereid is om te betaal. Volhoubare ontwikkeling is absoluut noodsaaklik vir ‘n volhoubare lewenswyse, maar moet gebalanseer word teen ekonomiese kwessies op langer termyn.
Almal kan ‘n verskil maak.

Geskryf deur Heini van Niekerk


Hoe ontwerp argitekte 'n gebou?
Wat is die stappe vanaf die eerste keer dat 'n klant u kontak totdat die huis gebou word?

Koffie…ons begin altyd by koffie.
Eerstens moet u die potensiële kliënt ontmoet en 'n koffie drink om sy drome van 'n huis te bespreek.

U moet luister na al sy behoeftes en 'n idee kry van wat hy regtig wil hê, en hoeveel geld hy daarvoor moet uitsit. Bekostigbaarheid is ‘n groot faktor.

Dan moet u 'n sakeplan opstel waarin u u finansiële koste en alles wat met u uitgawes verband hou, uiteensit om 'n ontwerp vir die huis te gee.

Nadat u die kliënt oortuig het om 'n finansiële vooruitgang vir u tyd en moeite te onderteken, dan beweeg ons gewoonlik aan na stap een:

Die eerste stap is om die stedelike soneringsgebied waarin ons konstruksieterrein geleë is, te bepaal.
In die weskus kry ons gewoonlik 'n stedelike plan van Stads Beplanning. Hierdie plan bevat die stedelike spesifieke beskrywings van die perseel waar ons gaan ontwerp en bou. Die sonering het spesifieke inligting oor wat kan en wat nie gebou kan word nie.

Ander sonerings handel gewoonlik oor digter behuising en kommersiële of nywerheidsgebiede.
Nadat ons die soneringsarea vir die perseel opgespoor het, moet ons uitvind watter ontwerpkonstruksiestandaarde geld vir daardie gegewe stedelike gebied. Die meerderheid van ontwikkelings in die residentieele gebiede aan die weskus is onderheweig aan Argitektoniese riglynne wat dan ookso gekoppel word aan ‘n Huis Eienaars Vereeniging.

Is daar ETIKETTE vir veilig bou veilig wat dalk terselfde tyd goed en vining is?

Stadsbeamptes het die tyd geneem om die sleutelstandaarde te ontwikkel wat sal verseker dat geboue gebou sal word sonder om die omgewing te ontwrig. Op hierdie manier sal nuwe konstruksies spesifieke eienskappe hê wat hulle uniek maak aan elke stedelike gebied.
Hierdie konstruksiestandaarde behels gewoonlik basiese items soos:
Dekking: Hoeveel van die landskap kan jy bedek, of hoe groot is die voetafdruk van die gebou. Ook beter bekend as "coverage". Residentieel is gewoonlik 50%.
Dit is die persentasie van die perseelarea wat deur die bouarea bedek word, wat die totale horisontale oppervlakte insluit as dit in plan gesien word. Werk op jou dak areas.
Ander stappe is die klient vereistes soos hoeveel slaapkamers, badkamers, vloere en ander behoeftes en begeertes die kliënt het. Die volgende stap is om na die ligging te kyk as dit bekend is en bepaal liggingsfaktore waarvoor getel moet word, soos swaar reenval en wind rigtings. Na alles, kan u begin werk aan die begin of sketsplan ontwerp met behulp van 'n aantal ontwerpinstrumente of potloodsketse, gevolg deur resensies met die kliënt om 'n ontwerp te vind waarvan hulle hou.
Sodra daar oor 'n ontwerp ooreengekom is, kan tegniese ontwerp en 3D-modellering gebruik word. Met 3D-modellering kan die huis en struktuur gevisualiseer word en begin 'n lys van materiale ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word. Soms kan jy selfs 'n skatting verkry van hoeveel materiaal die huis gaan benodig waaraan jy dan jou kostes kan begin koppel.

Die laaste stap behels die vervaardiging van die argitektoniese bloudruk of plan wat 'n konstruksiemaatskappy sal benodig om die huis te bou en die ontwerpe goed te keur.

Verduidelik asseblief die ingewikkelde proses van Argitektuur en die ontwerpproses…

Elke ontwerpproses is uniek, en hierdie generiese stap-vir-stap-gids wat ek vandag wil bespreek vir die ontwerpproses is slegs 'n basiese aanduiding. Die aantal stappe wissel na gelang van die kompleksiteit van die projek en of u 'n nuwe huis bou, opknap of bloot 'n paar klein huisverbeterings doen.

U huis is onmiddellik relevant vir almal wat 'n nuwe huis ontwerp en bou, en dit kan opknappings en aanvullings rig.

As u 'n planhuis verkies wat beteken dit is in ‘n nuwe of bestaande ontwikkeling, sal u 'n huis koop van die plan af waarvan u as nuwe eienaar dan van die ontwerpkenmerke kan kies. U kan meestal van hierdie ontwerpe in 'n sekere mate aanpas.

Hoeveel stappe is daar gekoppel aan Argitektuur en die Ontwerpproses…verduidelik vir ons asseblief…

Stap 1: Voorlopige navorsing
Hierdie eerste stap word breedvoerig verduidelik as voorlopige navorsing, wat handel oor aspekte waar ons:
Ondersoek op u huidige huis en lewenstyl doen,
die ontwikkeling van u ontwerpopdrag,
Besluit u basisbegroting,
Ondersoek na bronne van professionele advies vir elke fase van die kleint se besluit

Stap 2: Kies u ontwerper en kies reg.
Die keuse van die regte ontwerper vir u projek is waarskynlik u belangrikste stap op pad na u nuwe huis.

Argitekte en gebouontwerpers
Ontwerpers pas in een van die 3 hoofkategorieë: argitek, tegnoloog of tekenaar. SACAPSA.gov.za/search (kyk of hulle gekwalifiseerd is).

In Suid Afrika word argitekte deur die staat geregistreer en gereguleer, en die wetgewing wat dit reguleer. Om registrasie te kry by die South African Council for the Architectural Proffesion, moet 'n persoon 'n erkende graad in argitektuur hê of gelykwaardige kwalifikasies demonstreer, 'n periode van ervaringsopleiding onderneem en 'n praktykeksamen slaag. Argitekte skryf twee 5 uur eksamens. Om geregistreer te bly, moet argitekte toepaslike professionele skadeloosstellingsversekering behou en gereelde voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling onderneem. Die eienaars word in alle opsigte beskerm deur SACAP.

Geregistreerde of geakkrediteerde argitekte en gebouontwerpers in Suid Afrika word verplig om professionele vrywaring te beoefen en voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling te onderneem en aan te meld om geakkrediteerd te bly. Die verskeidenheid dienste wat gebouontwerpers aanbied, verskil aansienlik. Baie het argitektuur- of ander spesialis-ontwerpgrade; ander is gekwalifiseerde konseppersoneel wat hul eie praktyke vestig na baie jare van ervaringsleer.
Betrek 'n argitek of ontwerper aan die hand van hul ervaring, kwalifikasies en gedemonstreerde vermoë om die tipe en styl van die huis te beskryf wat in u opdrag beskryf word en vir u klimaatsone te doen. Sorg dat u hul professionele skadeloosstellingsversekering sien. Soek verwysings van vorige kliënte en besoek waar moontlik huise wat die argitek of ontwerper voltooi het.

Ontwerp vir volhoubare uitkomste bly 'n onderontwikkelde vaardigheid in baie ontwerppraktyke. Sommige ontwerpers beweer dat hulle nie die beginsels in u huis toepas nie omdat daar nie 'n vraag na verbruikers is nie, maar dit verander vinnig. Baie argitekte en gebouontwerpers spesialiseer nou in volhoubare praktyk. Soek 'n ontwerper met spesialisvaardighede op hierdie gebied om hoë, koste-effektiewe uitkomste te bereik.

Argitekte koördineer gewoonlik 'n span spesialiskonsultante (bv. Geotegniese ingenieurs, struktuuringenieurs, bou-volhoubaarheidsassessor, volhoubaarheidskonsultant, interieurontwerper en landskapsontwerper). Verkry verwysings vir enige genomineerde konsultante om te verseker dat hulle die vermoë het om konsekwente, professionele resultate in u klimaat, streek en plaaslike owerheidsgebied te lewer.

U wil dalk al die ontwerpbesluite vir u huis aan die ontwerper en konsultante delegeer; wil u moontlik deur die loop van die proses ten volle betrokke wees. Bespreek in beide gevalle u vlak van betrokkenheid by ontwerpers voordat u een benoem. Vlakke van kliëntbetrokkenheid by die ontwerpproses is 'n algemene bron van onenigheid tussen die partye. Kies 'n ontwerper wat bereid is om te werk soos u wil.
U werksverhouding met u argitek is van kritieke belang. Oorbetrokkenheid kan die argitek se vermoë om die beste oplossings te lewer, beperk. Onderbetrokkenheid kan u 'n huis gee wat nie bevredigend aan u opdrag voldoen nie. Sorg dat u, die kliënt, gemaklik is met elke fase en kontroleer dit teen u opdrag voordat u verder gaan na die volgende fase.
Die komplekse beplanningskontroles van baie plaaslike regerings kan verreikende gevolge hê vir u ontwerpoplossing en moet onderhandel word. U ontwerper moet 'n deeglike kennis hê van hierdie beplanningskontroles en 'n goeie werksverhouding met die plaaslike owerheid hê. Andersins moet hulle 'n toepaslik gekwalifiseerde konsultant benoem om namens u raadsgoedkeuring te beding.

Stap 3: Site of Terrein Analise
Besoek die erf saam met u argitek om 'n 'SWOT'-analise te doen (sterk-, swakpunte, geleenthede en bedreigings). Dit is u eerste geleentheid om saam met u ontwerper te werk om te sien of u doelstellings in lyn is. Dit kan die vorm aanneem van 'n betaalde konsultasie of kan deel uitmaak van die ontwerpkontrak wat in die volgende stap uiteengesit word.
Oorweeg die volgende op die erf:
• Klimaat responsiewe ontwerp en perseel spesifieke veranderlikes
• Toegang
• Sonkragtoegang
• Uitsig
• Oorskadu deur landvorms, bome en geboue (terreinopname)
• Helling (terreinopname)
• Grondtipe (geotegniese verslag)
• Bosbrande risiko's
• Stormwater dreinering
• Toegang en vervoer
• Dienste (krag, gas, telefoon, water, riool).
• Die ontwerper kan 'n konsepplan en perseelanalise maak na die eerste besoek aan die perseel.
• Die keuse van u erf bevat dan meer inligting.
Na afloop van hierdie aanvanklike konsultasie en erf besoek, moet u ontwerper die waarde daarvan toevoeg tot u opdrag deur moontlike ontwerpoplossings te identifiseer wat voordeel trek uit die sterk punte en geleenthede van die erf, en die swakhede daarvan (bv. Swak toegang tot sonkrag) en bedreigings (soos glygrond, brandrisiko of oorstromings en sterk winde).
Analise in hierdie vroeë stadium van klimaatsinvloede kan identifiseer hoe die mikroklimaat van u erf kan verskil van die generiese klimaatsones wat in u huis uiteengesit word en klimaatontwerp speel ‘n groot rol op u vloerplan en hoe die huis geplaas word op die erf.
Vergelyk die aanbevelings van u argitek met dié in Oriëntasie, passiewe verhitting en passiewe verkoeling, en vra om duidelikheid as u onseker is.

Die advies van u argitek sal waarskynlik beperk wees as hulle nie daarvoor betaal nie. Onderhandel 'n vasgestelde fooi vir hierdie aanvanklike advies om 'n uitgebreide voorlopige ontleding en 'n gedetailleerde fooievoorstel vir u projek om hierdie informasie te bekom.
As 'n duimreël, moet u verwag dat die koste van volledige volhoubare ontwerp en werktekeningdokumentasie vir 'n nuwe huis tussen 6–15% van die totale begroting sal wees…afhangende van die kompleksietyd van u woning….en dalk meer as dit projekbegeleiding ingesluit is. 'N Goeie ontwerper wat 'n ruimtedoeltreffende en klimaatversorgende huis produseer, kan u ten minste soveel bespaar as die koste van hul gelde, deur u te help om vooraf konstruksiekoste (deur doeltreffende gebruik van ruimte en materiale) te verminder en deurlopende energiekoste (deur klimaat) onvanpaste ontwerp). Goeie ontwerp is 'n slim belegging.
‘n baksteen kos wat ‘n baksteen kos…dit is hoe jy dit rangskik deur ontwerp wat die finale waarde of toekomstige verkoopbaarheid daarvan sal bepaal.

Stap 4: Kort ontwikkeling, fooievoorstel en ontwerpkontrak
As u ontwerpkontrak nie vroeër onderteken is nie, word dit gewoonlik onderteken in hierdie stap. As u nie met vertroue kan voortgaan nie nadat u die ontwerper se erf ontleding en fooi-voorstel bespreek het, oorweeg dit om 'n alternatiewe mening van 'n ander ontwerper te kry.

Die opdrag wat u in die voorlopige navorsingsfase begin het, bly 'n 'lewende dokument' wat gereeld deur die ontwerpproses bygewerk word as 'n rekord van u ooreengekome besluite. Dit moet ook die basis vorm van die fooi-voorstel van die ontwerper. Voeg beide by u kontrak met die ontwerper. In SA is dit wet…

Behalwe dat hulle 'n 'opinie oor waarskynlike koste' gee wat tipies 'n reeks waarskynlike koste insluit, aanvaar die ontwerpers meestal nie die verantwoordelikheid vir die finale koste van u projek nie weens die enorme verskeidenheid veranderlikes wat buite hul beheer is. Die afkoop van die plan kan die begroting sekerheid verhoog, maar die ontwerp buigsaamheid verminder.
Hersien u voorlopige begroting en u opdrag met u ontwerper.

Vra u ontwerper om u voorlopige begroting te hersien in die lig van u opdrag om potensiële probleme te identifiseer en strategieë voor te stel om dit te hanteer. Ontwerpers werk gewoonlik binne 'n reeks koste per vierkante meter. Grootte is die belangrikste bepaling van koste, maar ander veranderlikes sluit voorlopige bepalings in (bv. Raad, geotegniese en ingenieursfooie), probleme met die terrein (bv. Helling, toegang, brandgevaar, windblootstelling), die gebruikte konstruksiestelsel, aantal en grootte nat gebiede (badkamers , wasgoed en kombuis), dienste (koste van water, riool en energievoorsiening) en toegang (bv. konstruksie van die dryf, materiaalafstandsafstande, reistye vir ambagte).

U ontwerper moet 'n aanduiding van die koste vir elke volhoubare funksie in u opdrag gee en aanvullende aanbevelings aanbeveel wat relevant kan wees vir u erf of klimaat. Pas die lewensikluskosteberekening op elke item toe. In baie gevalle oorskry besparings op nutsrekenings die ekstra koste, en dikwels die terugbetalings van verbandlening, vir hierdie funksies. U spaar geld vanaf die dag waarop u intrek. Hierdie kosteberekening in u begroting word van die begin af in kwarantyn geplaas om aflewering aan die einde te verseker (met verwysing na Bekostigbaarheid).

Die ontwerper kan die waarskynlike koste van die konsep skat gebaseer op projekte wat onlangs en deurlopend voltooi was.

Beide partye moet besluit om elke daaropvolgende opdatering van die opdrag as 'n afwyking van die kontrak te onderteken….dit geld op site ook na die ondertekening van die kontrak met die kontrakteur.

Stap 5: Konsepontwerpe
Ontwerpers berei gereeld verskillende konsepontwerpe voor om hul denke te kommunikeer en kan dit op grond van u opdrag beoordeel. Dit kan wissel van 'n eenvoudige bubble diagram skets op die agterkant van 'n koevert, tot handgetekende konsepte van vorm en ruimtelike rangskikking. Ontleed dit aan die hand van die inligting in die passiewe ontwerp artikels wat op u klimaatstreek van toepassing is en stel vrae aan u ontwerper gaande die punte.

Konsepontwerpe kan help om aanvanklike keuses vir volhoubaarheid te maak.
Konsepontwerpe moet beide die basiese en ookso komplekse konstruksiestelsels oorweeg, maar dit nie sluit nie, tensy dit 'n fundamentele komponent van u opdrag is. Die keuse van materiale met 'n hoë of lae massa en die hoeveelheid massa wat benodig word in die vloer, mure of dak om termiese gemak te bewerkstellig, hang af van ander ontwerpbesluite, insluitend verhoudings tussen glas en massa en verwarming en verkoelingstelsels (sien termiese massa).

Insette van 'n gebouekonsultant of assessor vir die gebou kan in hierdie stadium baie nuttig wees om te verseker dat elke geleentheid om termiese werkverrigting op hoë vlak te bewerkstellig, terwyl die ontwerp nog baie buigsaam is.

Stap 6: Ontwerpontwikkeling
Kies die konsepontwerp wat die beste by u behoeftes pas, deur 'n bespreking met u ontwerper. Die ontwerper ontwikkel die konsep dan in 'n voorlopige uitleg. Meer as een konsep kan op hierdie manier ontwikkel word, maar elke addisionele konsep wat ontwikkel word, kan ontwerps fooie verhoog.
Hierdie belangrike fase bevat gewoonlik voorlopige vertrekruimtes, vensteropeninggroottes en oriëntasie, aanduiding van binne-buite-vloei, meubeluitlegte en voorlopige keuse van konstruksiestelsels. Spandeer tyd in die visualisering van u huishouding wat in die ontwerp leef. Kyk weer na u ontleding van u huidige huis. Is probleme oorkom? Is nuwes geskep?

Die besluitnemingsproses vir materiaalkeuse vorder ook tydens hierdie stap, aangesien eksterne en interne afwerkings oorweeg word. Benut hierdie geleentheid om materiale met volhoubare bronne met 'n lae lewensimpak op die omgewing te identifiseer.

Oorweeg dit om 'n eenvoudige kartonmodel van die ontwerp met uitgesnyde vensters te maak om die uitsigte, briesies en sonlig te visualiseer en dit op verskillende tye van die dag en seisoen op u werf te plaas. Maak dit self deur die planne en aansigte van u ontwerper op karton vas te plak, of vra hulle om 'n model vir u te maak.

Die koste van konstruksie is gebaseer op 'n tarief per vierkante meter, net soos die koste om u huis te verhit en af te koel. Hoe groter die huis, hoe meer kos dit om te bou en te bedryf. Die beperking van die grootte en die toewysing van daardie begroting na volhoubare funksies is 'n belangrike fokus tydens hierdie ontwerpstadium. As jy net 'n paar vierkante meter van elke kamer af snoei, kan dit betaal vir dubbelglas of 'n fotovoltaïese skikking.
Hoe groter die huis, hoe meer kos dit om te bou en te bedryf.

Grootte maak nie altyd saak nie - 'n kleiner huis bespaar op baie maniere
Meet elke meubelstuk (nuut of bestaande) wat u in u huis wil gebruik, en vra die argitek om dit op skaal te teken en te druk, sodat u dit kan uitsny en met verskillende uitlegte oor die konsepplanne kan eksperimenteer. U kan visualiseer hoe u gesin in die huis kan woon en probleme identifiseer - veral ruimtes wat groot is. Maak 'n gedetailleerde lys van u bergingsvereistes. Voeg elke lys by die opdrag en kontroleer elkeen voordat u die finale ontwerp aanmeld.

Rekenaargebaseerde gebouontwerp- en modelleringsinstrumente, soos huishoudelike energievaardigheidsinstrumente soos AccuRate, BERS Pro en FirstRate5, kan omgewingsprestasie voorspel en die termiese voordele van venstergetalle, grootte, plasing en oriëntasie sowel as die verskillende massa-vlakke in verskillende konstruksiestelsels bepaal. Voltooi hierdie analise voordat u u ontwerp en keuse van die konstruksiestelsel finaliseer. Veranderinge wat later gebeur as kamstige oplossings kan duur wees.

Berei u landskapontwerp op hierdie stadium voor. Landscaping lewer baie belangrike bydraes, waaronder die skadu van die gebou of die vensters, die afleiding van die wind, die privaatheid verseker, die genot skep en water bespaar. Tuinontwerp en water speel ‘n belangrike rol in die “approach” na jou huis en voordeur asook hoe julle as gesin gaan lewe.

'n Landskapontwerper kan skadu, karakter en plesier aan u huis toevoeg.
Dit is algemeen dat ontwerpers die voorstel in hierdie stadium met raadsbeplanners en inspekteurs bespreek om enige probleme wat opgelos moet word, te identifiseer.

Stap 7: Finale ontwerp
Neem u finale ontwerp- en keuringsbesluite oor die volgende aangeleenthede in die lig van advies uit die toepaslike van ons gesprek vandag:
• Vloerplan en bouvorm kan beteken “’n sien passiewe ontwerp”; die straatbeeld en die bewoonbare en • • Aanpasbare skakels van u huis
• Konstruksiestelsels
• Venstertipe, grootte en oriëntasie
• Skadu-oplossings
• Eksterne afwerkings (wat gepaard gaan met u konstruksiestelsels of bekleding)
• Verwarming / verkoelingstelsel
• Belangrikste toestelle (Hernubare energie)
• Waterstelsels, bv. reënwatertenks en waterherwinning
• Landskapontwerp
• Interieur ontwerp en ander afwerkings

Hierdie fase is dikwels die grootste toets vir toewyding vir u sowel as u ontwerper om 'n omgewingsvolhoubare huis te bereik.

Finale ontwerp is dikwels wanneer begrotingsoorskryding sigbaar word en kosteverminderings dan gedoen word. Hierdie punt is meestal die grootste enkele bedreiging vir die omgewing se volhoubaarheid van u huis, omdat volhoubaarheidskenmerke dikwels as 'opsioneel' beskou word en in die kompromis proses uitgeskakel word, selfs al is dit relatief lae koste.

Die inruilings word die beste bestuur deur u projek in fases te verdeel. Eienskappe wat u nie dadelik nodig het nie, kan later gebou of bygevoeg word. Sluit die volhoubaarheidskenmerke aan die begin in en verminder u rekeninge vanaf die dag waarop u intrek. Hierdie funksies is gewoonlik goedkoper om in die aanvanklike opbou in te neem as om later by te voeg. Bykomende ruimtes of kamers wat aanvanklik tot 'n totale konsep ontwerp is, kan koste-effektief bygevoeg word wanneer toekomstige finansies dit toelaat.
Veranderings wat aangebring is nadat hierdie fase afgeteken is, sal waarskynlik tot die ontwerpskoste bydra.

Wanneer beide partye tevrede is met die ontwerp, dien die finale werkstekeninge in by die HEV en soms die munisipaliteit vir voorlopige goedkeuring van die beplanning voordat die detail van die ontwerp bespreek word, indien 'n fase-goedkeuringsproses wenslik is. Hierdie benadering kan ontwerpveranderings akkommodeer wat die Raad of HEV meer koste-effektief benodig in meeste gevalle. Die alternatiewe benadering (gekombineerde beplanning en goedkeuring van die konstruksie) is duurder as die raad ontwerpveranderings benodig, wat aan beide stelle tekeninge aangebring moet word.

Stap 8: Goedkeuring deur die Raad; Beplanning en / of konstruksiesertifisering
Eenvoudige ontwerpe op terreine wat nie aan streng beplanningskontrole onderworpe is nie, word gewoonlik aan die raad voorgelê vir gelyktydige beplanning en goedkeuring van die konstruksie. Een stel planne kan sowel die beplanning as konstruksie-besonderhede aanspreek. Vir meer ingewikkelde ontwerpe wat die standaardgoedkeuringsproses uitdaag, kan afsonderlike voorleggings voordelig wees. Hierdie uitdagings word dikwels geassosieer met groot ontwikkelings wat 'n uitwerking op die naburige uitsigte of gerief het, of wat nie in karakter is met die omliggende omgewing nie.
'n Verklaring van die omgewingseffek word algemeen benodig tydens die goedkeuring van die beplanning. Dit streef gewoonlik na die onderneming dat u ontwikkeling geen nadelige uitwerking op die plaaslike omgewing sal hê nie en dat daar dikwels 'n gedetailleerde kontrolelys is van die items wat aangespreek moet word.

Baie van hierdie artikels word in u tuisartikels behandel, wat skakels bevat vir verdere leeswerk wat u verklaring van die omgewingseffek help voltooi (sien Energie en water; Strate landskap; Tuinontwerp en tuinontwerp; Sedimentbeheer en geraasbeheer; Vervoer; Hergebruik van afvalwater; Afval minimalisering).

Stap 9: Ontwerp-Detail
In hierdie stadium word ontwerp- en konstruksie-besonderhede gefinaliseer en gedokumenteer.

Hierdie dokumente sluit tipies die volgende in:
• Werkstekeninge (besonderhede oor hoe die ontwerp gebou moet word)
• 'n spesifikasie van die materiale, standaarde, afwerkings en produkte wat gebruik gaan word vir gradering
• Ingenieursontwerp en sertifisering. (Vorm 2)
Meer gedetailleerde weergawes word ook aan bouers gegee wanneer hulle genooi word om vir die werk te tender en die basis vorm van u kontrak met u bouer.
Finale skedules van materiaal en kwaliteit van afwerkings word in die spesifikasie gedokumenteer met verwysing na ons Suid Afrikaanse standaarde, die industrie se definisies van praktyk en die gewenste uitkomste wat nie op die planne verskyn nie. Spesifikasies is van kritieke belang vir die bereiking van volhoubare uitkomste, want dit is hier waar volhoubare insluitings, praktyke en afwerkings uitgespel en aan die kontrak gekoppel word.

Wat gebruik bouers om ‘n prys te kan gee op ‘n huis of gebou?

Bouers gebruik werkstekeninge om vir die werk te tender.

Spesifikasies ondersteun die werkstekeninge.
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Geskryf deur Heini van Niekerk


A brief interview with architect Heini van Niekerk on his thoughts when he were designing the Paternoster Volunteer Project.

Was the architectural brief precise or did you have latitude for creativity? How did the design of the house evolve?
The brief has always been that of a house for the volunteers from day one but the novelty of our age is that the space in our homes is continually evolving. And, as we transform these spaces, they transform us…which is exactly what happened as more layers of new functionality and complexity were introduced to the project. These new layers of community based functionality resulted in a multi layered program driven by the constant question as to how we can better evolve the house based on feedback from the community and various workshops. The results was translated with the use of an additional community coffee shop, community boardroom, teacher administration spaces, educational equipment storage areas, public ablution areas, private living areas and private bedrooms in addition to creating areas of escape and serenity for one to escape to after a busy day.

How does it reflect local heritage/materials/culture?
As a local architect I’ve always been familiar with our West Coast vernacular architecture but decided to follow a path of researching historic photographs from archives dating back more than 110 years with the hope to find something we might’ve lost over the years. Through historic research a lost gable form normally associated with thatched mansard roofs of the time in Paternoster was discovered true to our local heritage. This form of gable, contradictory to the pitched/pointed gable is not that common anymore in the area and the lost element was incorporated into the new design as a tribute to our lost architectural heritage. Another interesting finding was that buildings were placed quite close to one another in groups which resulted in small alleys between the built massing and gable forms. This historical relationship between built massing was also incorporated at the main entrance of the building acting as the core path through the built form as a reminder and monument to our local culture. The house will be built of locally earthed materials like stone and fit the surrounding urban landscape in order to maintain a personal balance and harmony with large chimneys, thatch roofs and white walls embedded in the very grain of the Paternoster culture. The historical context and architectural principles formed though research resulted in a set of evolved core principles that still resonates today as much as they did 110 years ago.

What is unique about the project team of the Volunteer House?
The uniqueness is driven and deeply linked to the projects functionality plus the extraordinary commitment found within a growing team ambition and daily input from everyone involved from day one. A team whom has always been very passionate about the area and design as a means for social progression where funding might frequently become a challenge, but a team and client that believes that their decisions and actions will have an even greater impact on the children of Paternoster looking towards their futures. An amazing team that remains local but also international.

What are some of the architectural challenges regarding the site/house?
The extreme sloping site topography in addition to the very limited permissible roof heights we had to adhere to in addition to the existing rock formations which posed a significant design challenge in the beginning where costs are always crucial on a project and the need for excavation and fill – as well as increasing costs, large-scale earthworks indicates an increased risk of soil stability and water run-off patterns but we did it.

Although we had the perfect location for the project the site had a residential dwelling on the one side with what I call the “Holy Hill “on the adjacent side. The Holy Hill is a small hill located opposite the Paternoster Hotel along St. Augustine Road but has been used since my childhood days as a lookout point by fisherman where they have a clear view of the bay for when their small fishing boats comes into the shore. The hill and the local fisherman still use it as such till this very day. As a result the constraints were tough but I wouldn’t prefer it any other way as the constraints shaped the solutions.

How do you envisage the house being used/lived in?
The house should actually function quite well in terms of the various layers of functionality which is unique in its own right of use. The floor plan functions simply as three controlled zones which integrate seamlessly with their own unique externally landscaped environment where the inside and outside works together to enhance one another. The three zones are simply the public zone, semi private zone and the private zone. The further one moves within the building the more defined yet less controlled the user space becomes.

Are you surprised at all the attention the house is getting?
Off course I am but when you I think about it for a little longer it makes perfect sense. When certain things in life gets done for the right reasons and people come together as one entity then the results be it a house or any other act of kindness becomes a testament towards their human integrity and character…only then should it come as no surprise…as it stand now.

Do you only work locally?
Yes and yes as it allows less chance of things being “lost in translation,” which can often occur when working far away. I have been a local for many years and went to school in Vredenburg, studied architecture in Cape Town and in London after which I came back to the West Coast. Working locally really means that I can stay focused on my designs, our local office and other building sites which is where the action happens.

How is the house personal to you?
Sure, each successful building requires hard work but no building is ever the same as the constraints and requirements always varies but architecture becomes great when one truly understands the human condition and need in its totality. However it becomes more personal when you realise that the need has been met and that the end results can actually makes a difference to the lives of others. It also becomes better when you realise that the overall team ambition has been a very passionate one throughout where design as a means for social progression makes a difference to the extend where small lives will one day have an even greater impact on the world.

What is special for you about working on the West Coast?
Can we just step back for a moment and take in just how simply beautiful the ocean along the West Coast is? Not only are we in the most picturesque of natural environments but this with our unique west coast culture, the people, our history and down to earth straight talking ethics brings it all together in a single heartbeat when you have your feet in the beach sand and the sun setting ready for new challenges.