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Social Space as a Historical Comparison vs Time
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Social Space as a Historical Comparison vs Time


Its amazing how a space or building changes and progress over centuries and how the use of space for social interaction evolves as time moves on. Hence Heini van Niekerk analyzed Social Space as a Historical Comparison vs Time located within Ryder Street, London, UK. Each colour/shade represents a room that use to exist dating back from 1503 until now in 2015.

One first need to identify the solids contained within a social space, as the gaps only become visible by means of what surrounds them. By identifying the social voids of activity we can identify and establish the true relationship which contains a sense of meaning and applied vision.

The diagrams moves the economist site from a solid state into a state of social transparency highlighting the social voids as the new solid that really matters in everyday life.

Project Information

Architectural Exploration
Site Area
Project Area
Project Type
Experimental Architecture
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