Page 4 - A-client-guide-to-working-with-a-SAIA-architect
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For most clients, whether you are an individual or an organisation, a building project is usually a once-
in-a-lifetime activity. This guide is intended to assist you when embarking on a building project. It will
explain what architects do, outline the services that an architect can offer and demonstrate how the
services of an architect can benefit the building project.
Whether you are planning to build your new corporate headquarters or wish to extend your home,
a construction project can be a daunting experience without the support and guidance of a team of
suitable professionals. The core of such expertise lies with the architect, whose role within the building
delivery process extends far beyond merely providing drawings from which to build. Architects are
highly skilled and professionally trained to nurture your vision, and to provide a service from a project’s
inception to its completion and beyond.
4 A client’s guide to working with an architect | South African Institute of Architects | Introduction